Eric Clapton Interview On

Maranello, 29 January 2009 – “I love motor races since I was a child, but there’s only one car manufacturer I’ve been following ever since: Ferrari.” For Eric Clapton, one of the icons of contemporary music, love for the cars with the Prancing Horse started a long time ago, reinforced when the British musician bought his first cars from Ferrari.

Eric Clapton Ferrari Interview 2010

His passion for Ferrari, music and technology are some of the topics the exceptional guitarist is talking about in the video interview exclusively on

In the interview Eric Clapton confirms: “I love the sound of Ferraris and I, as a musician, can confirm that these engines deliver proper music. I have to say that my weak point is the 12-cylinders’ music.”

When asked about the similarities between writing a song and creating a Ferrari Clapton said that passion and obsessive care for every single detail are the two aspects in common. As far as the use of technology is concerned it’s fundamental that it does not compromise the soul of what you’re creating. The guitarist came back to Maranello after six years and was fascinated by what he found: especially the new production lines – the building designed by Jean Nouvel – and the company’s restaurant – by Marco Visconti.

At the Classiche department he immerged himself in the most beautiful models from the history of the Prancing Horse while he admired the new F10 single-seater, ready for its first test session in Valencia, at the GES, the department of the Scuderia. Stefano Domenicali showed Clapton the most important changes in the new single-seater, while the musician was curious about the conditions of Felipe Massa, whom he has been supporting for many years.

A day in red for Eric Clapton, who promised that it won’t take him another six years to come back for another visit to Maranello.

Watch the interview here



  1. slowhanderoiusly says:

    Well, now I share one more thing with EC….

    not a Ferrari car unfortunately 🙁
    but the passion for motoracing and the passion for Ferrari and Felipe Massa!