Robbie Robertson & Eric Clapton in the recording studio – update 23 September 2009…

Updated 23 September 2009:
From a messageboard; posted by Sebastian Robertson (son of) 17 September 2009:

ok, i’ve gathered a bunch so far. is that it? my dad is currently in the studio with E.C. and when they finish up this round i’ll sit down and go through these with him.

Update: 12 May 2009

From Robbie Robertson’s Official MySpace site:

March 4, 2009 – Wednesday New Solo Record in the WORKS… Robbie is in the studio writing a recording a new record. Guest players might include Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Kings Of Leon… More info to come…Cheers.

Update 28 March 2009:

It has been reported over the past number of months that the dynamic duo has shelved its album. Some have “guestimated” that it is because the two extremely creative musicians could not see eye-to-eye during its production. Robbie’s son Sebastian recently responded to our question to him as to what the real reason is for shelving the album. He replied that Eric needed to spend more time w/ his young family & it would take away from the time & dedication that he & Robbie felt was necessary to create an album to their liking. Eric will be a part of Robbie’s upcoming solo album though.

Plochmann Lane: Robbie Robertson & Eric Clapton duo album shelved.

Update 16 May 2009:
97 Rock News


Longtime friends Eric Clapton and Robbie Robertson have told our 97 Rock reporters that they have started recording their first album together last month in London, and according to a source close to Robertson, it is “gong well.” They’ve been working with drummer Ian Thomas and bass player Pino Palladino, both of whom will join Clapton on his North American spring tour, which starts Saturday in Tampa, Florida. Robertson will continue to work on the album, which will be all original material, and then get together with Clapton at the end of the summer. But be patient — our source says, “They will take their time, and there is no release date or title.”

This collaboration with Robertson is another in a series of recent projects Clapton has undertaken with friends and past collaborators. Since 2000 he has recorded albums with B-B King and J-J Cale, reunited for seven shows with Cream, and performed with his former Blind Faith bandmate Steve Winwood this past February and last summer.